Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Time

Daddy trying to comfort the little dude

Why is my Daddy smiling.....I am really mad!

I like to dress up like Tigger the Tiger

I like my baths becuase I get to wear cool towels with hoods on them


Amber@Munchkin Land said...

Ahhhh those are so sweet! It makes me so happy to see you guys as parents! :o) Caroline gets mad with tummy time too. It will be so much fun when we can get together. Can't wait to meet SBR in person.

Love from Kansas

Terrah said...

Can't wait to see you guys!!!! Bring Tigger with you :)

Amber@Munchkin Land said...

Come on woman! There better be new pics up before you head back to work. :-p Ooo Ooo include some nursery pics too! Man I'm demanding. :o)